Sudanese Darfur fighters are fighting for Khalifa Haftar's forces in Libya as mercenaries as they aim to strengthen their military might by earning money and weapons through Libya, a report by the United Nations Panel of Experts on Sudan said on Tuesday.
"Haftar gives every ten fighters a military vehicle and weapons. They are tasked to attack institutions and properties, which make them earn more money than that they do in guarding institutions and facilities. If they carry successful attacks, they are allowed to keep the vehicles and weapons they have looted." The report says.
It adds that the brokers pay the mercenaries $3000 a month for fighting alongside Haftar's forces.
Meanwhile, Sudan Liberation Army fighters get 5100 Libyan dinars a month about ($3650) and officers get 5200 ($3700).
The commander and deputy commander of the Sudan Liberation Army receive money from Haftar's forces, give it to a financial military colonel who pays the mercenaries their monthly salaries cash.
The report said Darfur armed groups are also involved in securing the passage of human traffickers, abduction of migrants to get ransoms, smuggling weapons, drugs and cars and many more criminal acts on cooperation with local criminals in Libya and Chad.
It also indicated that Sudanese car dealers pay money to armed groups in Libya to escort the convoys of cars from areas under Haftar's command to borders with Chad and Sudan. The armed groups get 3000 Libyan dinars ($2150) for every car.